Study and Obey Bible studies are published online and are made available to use for free. This free service is largely supported through ads. Our desire is to have only wholesome and family-friendly ads appear on the site. We have therefore blocked all questionable ad categories from appearing on the site.

But there are a few unscrupulous advertisers who intentionally mis-label and mis-categorize their ads to make it past the filters. We would greatly appreciate your help in weeding out and blocking such advertisers so that they cannot appear on this site (or any others).

Please help us by:

  1. Find the little logo in the bottom right of the ad and click it. Then click “Report Ad” and fill in the details of the offending ad.
  2. Please send us an email in the form below and include as much as information as possible about the ad. Please also take a screenshot and we will request it when replying to you. This will enable us to manually block the advertiser from the back end.

Thank you so much for your help in this!

You can also block almost all ads from our site and the internet if you find them too intrusive for your browsing. Go to this link and install this Chrome extension to block ads.

    Sharing is caring!