These small group studies of Colossians 1 contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.
Colossians 1 Bible Study Guide And Commentary – Paul’s Prayer For The Colossians
Colossians 1:1-8 Bible Study Video
Colossians 1:1-8 Podcast
I. Greeting (1-2)
II. Encouragement (3-8)
I. Greeting (1-2)
Discussion Questions
• Who was this letter written to?
• Where was Colossae?
• When did Paul go there?
• How was the church formed?
• Where was Paul when he wrote this?
• What are some of the main themes of this letter?
• Why does Paul begin most of his letters by stating his apostleship?
Background of Colossians
The City: The ancient city of Colossae was located in Asia Minor, which is now modern day Turkey. It was built on an important trade route and it was trading that Colossae was known for, especially a rich dark cloth that was made there. Earthquakes hit the city in AD 17 and AD 60, the second one likely a short time before this letter was written. These disasters, in addition to business competition, brought about a gradual fade into obscurity and the city no longer existed in 400 AD. Even during the time of Paul this city was smaller than its nearby neighbors in the Lycus valley, Laodicea and Hierapolis.
The Author: This letter was written by the apostle Paul as is attested in verse 1. In addition to the evidence within the text, external evidence and early church tradition also points to Paul as the author. This is one of four “prison epistles” along with Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians. Paul wrote these letters while imprisoned in Rome awaiting his appearance before the insane Nero. It was probably around AD 61-62 when Colossians was written.
The Theme: The church of Colossians may have been the smallest numbers-wise of any other recipient of Paul’s letters to churches. Yet the content of this book is highly treasured and a bedrock for our understanding of our Savior. While the world around us descends into relativism, new age philosophies and a liberal “everything goes” mindset, the book of Colossians is like a light in the dark. In it we see the most powerful and beautifully worded Christology in the New Testament. The might, power, supremacy, and sufficiency of Christ the Creator and Sustainer are detailed in vivid fashion. New believers can study Colossians to better understand just who Christ is and long-time believers can keep coming back to this book to get back to the roots of our faith in Christ, who is our head. While the theme is cosmic and grand in its scheme it still relates to each of us just as it related to this small out-of-the-way church.
The Church: We never read in Acts that Paul visited this church. Even in Colossians (1:4, 9, 2:1) we see only that Paul heard of them. Yet the church was still there as a result of Paul’s ministry. In Acts 19 we see that Paul ministered in Ephesus. It was during this period of two years that we learn every person in all of Asia heard the gospel (20:31). Paul’s ministry was effective because it reached beyond himself to areas he had never personally been. This should in fact be the goal of every Christian worker. The church in Colossae shows us the principle of reproduction in action. It is this type of multiplication which we should hope to emulate in the ministry to which God has called us.
It appears that Epaphras (1:7, 4:12) was likely trained by Paul and sent to Colossae to plant the church there. Primarily the church was made up of Gentiles, and there are few of the normal teachings about Jewish legalism and the like which epistles to churches where Jews formed a majority often contain. When Paul wrote to them, false teaching seems to have creeped into the church, and Paul sought to extinguish it.
Verse by Verse Commentary
1. Paul is the author – Paul once again identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. This is what gives him the authority to teach, lead, and command the Colossian church. Paul did not take this authority for himself. Rather it was given to him by Christ. At the same time Paul mentions Timothy. Timothy had ministered with Paul in Ephesus and was likely known to some of the Colossians.
2. The book of Colossians was written to believers – Some New Testament epistles are written to people in general or perhaps Jews. This was written to the saints and therefore addresses many issues which believers who have already placed their faith in Christ will face.
II. Encouragement (3-8)
Discussion Questions
• Why does Paul start many epistles with his gratitude toward the church he is writing to?
• What kind of tone does this set for the rest of the book?
• How can we learn from this in our own interaction with others?
• What specifically can you do to be more encouraging to others?
• What specific positive things did Paul say about the Colossians?
• How may Paul have “heard” about their faith and love (4, 9)?
• What does this indicate about the Colossians?
• What effect did the gospel have in their lives?
• How important is it for the gospel to “constantly bear fruit and increase?”
• Is the word of truth constantly bearing fruit and increasing in your life?
• How can you even evaluate this?
• Who is Epaphras?
• What do other Bible passages tell us about this character?
• What did Paul think about him?
• What can we learn from him?
Verse by Verse Commentary
1. We give thanks to God –
The Colossian church was evidence that God was at work far beyond what they could see. As far as we know, Paul himself or his close companions never went to Colossae. And yet, a faithful church had been planted there. How? Why? We don’t know all the details. But it was God’s work. Examples like this can encourage and remind us that even when we cannot see it God is at work in the world around us. We don’t know the effects of preaching, teaching, training, or discipling others, but fruit may still pop up at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected places.