The below article takes a look at what the Bible has to say about raising toddlers. It is written by my mother (Pat) who draws upon years of experience raising 8 children. Many people have noticed her successes in raising “good kids” and have wanted to know the “secret”. This article shows the principles behind her methods for teaching, disciplining, and raising children. Enjoy!

Article on Raising Toddlers Biblically 

Cultivating the Garden of Your Toddler’s Heart


Raising toddlers- what a fun but challenging stage of parenting! Watching these little ones who are in the age of discovery and who make you see life in a brand new way with their excitement over small things such as flowers or bugs! And yet these darling little people are beginning to exert their sin natures, challenging mom and dad, requiring constant vigilance and lots of patience. No matter what they do during the day, when they’re sleeping in bed at night and you peek in at them, they always look like angels! I’m convinced that God made toddlers so cute to get us through the moments when we struggle with their “dark sides”.

I named this workshop- cultivating the garden of your toddler’s heart because I think sometimes if we have a real life picture to apply to a situation, we tend to understand it better. Because I love to garden- grow and nurture living things- I like this picture of how to be God’s instruments in helping mold and shape a little life from a small seed into a beautiful garden which glorifies God.

So, how can you best mother a toddler?

1.        Just as a healthy farm depends on the character of the farmer, a child needs parents who are wise in the ways of God to help him grow in grace. Don’t ne