Hebrews | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4:1-10 | 4:11-16 | 5:1-6 | 5:7-14 | 6:1-8 | 6:9-20 | 7:1-10 | 7:11-22 | 7:23-28 | 8-13 | PDF |

These small group Bible studies of Hebrews contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications.  Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.

Hebrews 2 Inductive Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions


I. The salvation we have in Christ (1-4)
II. Christ subjected Himself, but will be exalted (5-9)
III. Christ came to bring us into His family (10-18)

I. Verses 1-4

Discussion Questions

• Verse 1: For what reason? What is the connection between this passage and chapter 1?
• What are the things that “we have heard” that the writer is referring to?
• What word was spoken by the angels? What role did they have in bringing God’s message to His people?
• What “spiritual law” is referred to in verse 2 (sin comes with a consequence)?
• What is the main message for us (application point) from verse 3?
• Who was it that confirmed the gospel message to them?
• In what other ways was it confirmed?

Cross References

1 Timothy 1:19 – Holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith.

Galatians 1:8 – But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Deuteronomy 33:1-2, Psalm 68:17 – These verses show us angels were involved in the passing of the law to the Jews at Mt. Sinai.

1 Timothy 2:5-7, 1 Corinthians 15:5-7, 2 Timothy 2:2 – In these verses we learn the principles of multiplication and reproduction in discipleship.

1 Corinthians 14:22, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:22 – These signs confirmed the gospel to the world.

Verse by Verse Commentary

1. For this reason – We need to realize that Christ is pre-eminent over everything else. Because of this, the salvation He offers is of utmost importance that requires all of our attention. In the last lesson we discussed the fact that God has given us divine revelation about Himself. This is information about His character and plan that we could not possibly deduce or comprehend on our own. Because the Supreme Creator has given us a message, we should pay attention to it and study it closely as well as obey it. Here we see the same idea. Because Christ is supreme, everything He has done for and teaches us is of maximum importance. When God speaks, we should pay attention.

2. Drift away from it – Notice the word “drift.” Why use this word? Drift has the meaning of a slow change in direction. Such a small change in direction is likely not even intentional. Boats will slowly drift off course if the captain is not paying careful attention to maintain his heading. A married couple may slowly drift apart in their relationship. A student may slowly drift off to sleep in class. None of these things are intentional. They happen subtly without warning. Many times, they are hard to notice unless one is observing very closely. Churches also can drift away from sound doctrine while individual believers drift away from God in their relationship with Him.

Do solid believers who are following God one day just wake up and decide to leave church and never come back? No! It is incremental. First, it is a decision to sleep a bit later and have a quiet time at night which doesn’t end up happening (I am tired and will read the Bible tomorrow.) Then it is a sin that is not quickly confessed. Next, the person perhaps lets some resentment build up in their heart about something that God allowed to happen in their life. Later, it is a decision to skip church one time for a concert. This happens more and more often until the individual is not going anymore, not reading the Bible anymore, and not even praying anymore.

Does a believer in a strong and loving marriage one day wake up and suddenly decide he or she wants a divorce? No! First, it is an unresolved conflict. Then, it is a wandering eye. Next, he or she allows his or her mind to dwell on unhealthy fantasies. Later, it is a lapse in judgment (half intentional) by which he or she allows himself or herself into a tempting situation with a co-worker of the opposite gender. What the individual planned to only be a one-time thing is then repeated until his or her entire marriage is wrecked.

Sin creeps in on us gradually. It is one of Satan’s most effective methods. He wins one little battle at a time until he has won the war.

Application: How can we prevent this gradual drift away from God and His truth?

3. I believe this “word” in verse 2 is referring to Scripture. This is the greater/less than argument. If the lesser is true (the words from angels are true and do not change and can’t be altered) then certainly Jesus’ words are true (verse 3) and the consequences of rejecting His words are serious. Angels were instrumental in bringing the Scripture to God’s people. Many times, they came with messages for prophets or individuals like Abraham, Daniel, Mary and Joseph and the wise men. It is likely that God used angels as His messengers in some visions and dreams as well. Their words to God’s people are unalterable. Those who disobey (or doubt like in the case of Zechariah) would receive the appropriate punishment.

4. Verse 2 implies the spiritual law that “sin must be punished.” If this were not true, Christ would not have to die for us. But because sin must be punished, either we face the punishment or Jesus faces it for us.

5. Verse 3 – If even disobeying the angels comes with a very costly punishment, how much more costly if we reject the great salvation that Christ has made possible for us?

6. This great salvation was offered by Christ. For that reason alone, we should not ignore it, take it for granted, reject it, or drift away from it. After Christ preached it to us, his apostles and disciples passed it on to the next generation who then kept passing it on.

7. God used a variety of signs and wonders and miracles to verify this gospel. When the early church was just growing this was a new belief. Many greeted it with doubt. How could people know if this was true or if it was just a passing fad? God confirmed the truth of what the disciples were preaching by using them to perform miracles. People weren’t sure if the words they spoke were true, but when they saw the miracles, the elect knew this was only possible by the power of God and thus believed.

II. Verses 5-9

Discussion Questions

• Who was this world subjected to (verses 5 and 9)?
• What attitude did Christ show in becoming lower than the angels? When did this happen?
• What “reward” would He get after He humbled himself? What principle does this teach?
• Why did Christ have to take the form of a man and lower Himself to save us (verse 6 asks a rhetorical question on this topic)?
• How does that make you feel? How should we respond to Christ’s sacrifice for us?
• What is not under Christ’s rule/dominion (nothing)? What impact does that have on us knowing that everything is controlled by Christ?
• What does it mean that He would “taste death for everyone”?

Cross References

Psalm 8:4-6 – What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet. (Hebrews 2:6-8 is quoted from there.)

Ephesians 1:22 – And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.

Romans 5:6-8 – You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for