These free online Bible study guides of Nehemiah 9:5-38 contain cross-references, commentary, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth practical Bible studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.
Nehemiah 9:5-38 Bible Study Commentary With Discussion Questions
Nehemiah 9 Bible Study Video
Nehemiah 9 Podcast
In this study, plan to have a special group discussion time to stimulate discussion and encourage group participation. Split into small groups. Assign group facilitators. Give 45 minutes for discussion. Give each group the following questions to consider about the passage and ask them to prepare to give feedback to the large group after the time is over.
Questions to look at:
- What do you learn about God?
- What do you learn about people?
- What principles can you learn about prayer? How should you change your prayer life based on this passage?
- This passage records a lot of Israel’s history. What can learn from their history?
- What do you plan to apply from this passage?
Get back together into large group. Share what you have learned.
Remember -The Bible uses this word 231 times. Many times it is about God remembering His people and His covenant. Also, many times it is a command for God’s people to remember what He has done for them. Remembering what God has done for us and for His people throughout history reminds us of His faithfulness. We see that He has been faithful again and again. He always keeps His promises. He doesn’t neglect His people. He will therefore continue to be faithful and He will not forget us.
Praise – Our prayers should be filled with praise for God. In this passage we see many types of praise:
Giving glory to Him (5)
Highlighting the uniqueness of God (6)
Remembering His God’s creative power (6)
Highlighting God’s care for His people (9)
Remembering God’s miracles (11-12)
Describing His amazing character (17, 19)
Being thankful for His provision (20,21)
Praising Him for His blessings in our life (21)
- Our sinfulness – The point of their entire prayer is that God is holy and awesome and faithful, but they were sinful, rebellious and unfaithful. It is only because of God’s great compassion and mercy that He forgives, restores, cleanses, and preserves His people. When we look at their history we can see our lives inside. We too have rebelled against God. We too have been unfaithful. We too have sinned again and again. Yet He is compassionate and willing to forgive us and restore us. We could put our own names inside and accurately describe our own relationship See verse 17, “Jason refused to listen, and did not remember your wondrous deeds which You had performed among me; So I became stubborn…But You are a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness, and You id not forsake me.”
To end this time we will spend some time in prayer simply praising God for what He has done. Because of the number of people we will split into smaller groups to pray so that more people will have the opportunity.
Nehemiah Bible Study E-book: If this Bible study is helpful for you, get the whole Nehemiah study in one convenient e-book.
Nehemiah Paperback: You can also get the paperback version of this Nehemiah study from Amazon.
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