Romans | 1-6 | 7:1-12 | 7:13-25 | 8:1-17 | 8:18-39 | 9:1-13 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14:13-15:6 | 15 | 16 |

These small group studies of Romans contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications.  Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.

Romans 15 Inductive Bible Study


  1. The ones who are strong should be patient with the failures of those who are weak. Our goal should be to build them up and not only to please ourselves

  2. Each of us should be concerned for our neighbors’ needs and want to please and build him up.

  3. Even Jesus, who of all people had the right to please himself, did not put himself first. But it is written of him that “the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”

  4. For all the Scripture that has been written over more than a thousand years was written to each us, to give us endurance, encourage us and give us hope.

  5. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement also give all of you a spirit of unity with each other as you follow Christ Jesus.

  6. Then the body of Christ can with one heart and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. In exactly the same way that Christ accepted you, you should accept each other. This will bring praise to God.

  8. I declare to you that Christ became a servant of the Jews, teaching them God’s truth, to fulfill the promises made to the patriarchs

  9. so that the Gentiles may also glorify God for his mercy, as it is written: “Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing hymns to your name.”

  10. Another Scripture says, “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people.”

  11. Again, another says, “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and sing praises to him, all you peoples.

  12. And again, Isaiah says, “The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.”

  13. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Outline Verses 1-13

I.       Follow Christ Jesus in Unity (verses 1-13)

A.     The command: Put others first (verses 1-2)

1.      Christ’s example (verse 3)

2.      Scripture’s instruction (verse 4)

3.      Possible through God (verse 5)

4.      Purpose is to praise God (verse 6)

B.     The second command: Accept one another (verse 7)

1.      Christ’s example (8)

2.      Christ’s purpose: salvation for all people (verses 9-12)

3.      The result: hope, joy, and peace (verse 13)

Key Words

Bear- What does it mean to bear? Galatians 6:2, 1 Peter 5:7 to lift, to pick up and carry and a weight.

Endurance- It is not necessarily always easy to please our brethren and serve them. So we need endurance. Has the idea of patience.

Accept- Receive, take to oneself.

Verse by Verse Commentary

This passage continues the idea of Christian unity in the church. It gives three basic exhortations/commands.

  1. This passage goes above and beyond the last passage. The last passage was mostly negative things about how we are NOT to judge, NOT to hurt, and NOT to offend our brothers. However, there is so much more to Christian fellowship than merely refraining from offending others or judging them. We should instead actively be pursuing the well being of others. We should think how we can help others to grow. We should bear with the weak. We should be patient towards them. Our goal should not be to serve or please ourselves. We want to serve and please the weak or those whom we consider to be weak. Please ourselves is just another way of saying being selfish. Anyone here have a problem with being selfish? Actually all of us are born selfish. This is perhaps the most basic sin that we have. It is very hard to be rid of it. But if they have difficulties or struggles we shouldn’t condemn them, look down on them, reject them, or be scornful of them. Instead we should consider how we can help them to grow in the Lord. That should be our primary concern and motivation. It won’t help them to grow if we deal harshly and strictly with them. How might we practically speaking “bear the weaknesses of those who are weak?” Galatians 6:2, 1 Peter 5:7 to lift, to pick up and carry and a weight. 2 Timothy 2:23-25, 1 Cor 13:7 It is like two pilgrims traveling together. When one gets tired, the other can help him for a while and vice-versa. Practically you can do this by praying for one another, sharing Scriptures to address the weak areas, coming alongside and encouraging someone we know is struggling with something, taking the time to listen and find out what struggles others are having, and just being gracious and upbuilding in our speech.

  2. The second command here is to please or build up our neighbors. This is the same basic idea as is found in verse one. 1 Cor 12:12-14, 25-26. As mentioned last week building loving others and helping them doesn’t just “happen”. It requires thought and careful consideration. It requires planned action and commitment to follow through. The immediate purpose in this is the edification of the body of Christ. The ultimate purpose is the glory of God. And the ultimate result for us is peace, joy, and hope.

  3. Paul gives these commands, but he doesn’t simply leave it at that. Of our own nature it would be difficult to impossible to follow these commands. Paul gives us a solid, visible example of someone who did just that, Jesus Christ. Much of this passage is dedicated to showing the example of Christ and the things He did for us and for the body of Christ, showing His complete selflessness PHP 2:5-7. Of all people who have ever lived Christ had the right and the ability to please Himself. Yet He gave that up, took on the hate and scorn of the people, all to build us up. What an example He is! He is also willing and able to impart this strength to us so that we will be able to follow in His footsteps.

  4. In addition to Christ’s example, Paul gives the OT Scriptures as instructions for us to follow in keeping these commands. Not only are many clear principles found in the OT that apply to this issue (they didn’t have the full NT yet), but there are also many clear examples of people who did just that. Who are some examples? Johnathan who didn’t please himself, but did what was good for David. Joseph, who kindly forgave his brothers and gently encouraged them to remember that God is in control. Abraham, who allowed Lot to take his pick of the land and didn’t argue when Lot selfishly chose the best looking part and then also saved Lot when Lot got into trouble as a result of his lifestyle choice (then again interceded for the city where Lot lived).

  5. The third command (verse 7) is to accept one another. This is the unifying element of the body of Christ. Although people come from all different backgrounds, careers, countries, and families we can still accept the differences and love each other as Christ loved us. To what degree are we to accept one another? We are to do it as Christ accepted us. A lot of times we may not want to accept others because they don’t deserve it. But we don’t deserve Christ accepting us either. Look at Peter who rebuked Jesus. Look at the rest of the disciples who again and again lacked faith and doubted. Look at Paul who actually persecuted the church. What does it mean to accept? I think forgiveness is perhaps the first step. Look at the story of the prodigal son. The father accepted him with open arms. He ran to him and embraced him. How about the brother? The brother refused to accept him because he didn’t observe it. Also, parable of the forgiven slave who refused to forgive. Acceptance is not just begrudgingly from arguing with somebody. It is embracing them as a person and warmly extending them the same love that Christ extended to us. How beautiful the church would be if all believers did this!!

Verse 8 – Christ confirmed the promises given to the patriarchs about their seed being a blessing to all nations. He was the fulfillment of this part of the prophecy. He was circumcised and he was a servant to all of the Jews (the circumcision). Verses 8-12 are basically a look back at the OT prophecies to show that all believers should accept one another regardless of race because Christ was always going to bring the two groups together.

Verses 9-12 – Paul lists four verses as proofs that the Gentiles were part of God’s plans even back in OT times. There were many references in the OT mentioning “all the nations” and the like. Even Gentiles and Jews should accept each other because Christ accepted both and planned for both to be part of His church.

In addition Paul gives Scripture as a source that teaches us how to follow these commands. We have hope because we have seen the example of so many people in Scripture who were selfless and gave their lives to serve others. Name a few (Jeremiah….).

Questions for thought and discussion

How can we bear others weaknesses? What one word can be used instead of the phrase “please ourselves”? (selfish)

2 – Who is our neighbor?

Did Christ have the right to please Himself? Did He? Do we have the right to please ourselves? Do we? What two/three things does Paul exhort believers to do in this passage?

What two things are mentioned that can help give us guidance as to how to please and build up our neighbor? (verse 3 and 4)

Who is the You and Me in verse 3? Psalms 69:9

What is Paul talking about, the things written in earlier times?

How can we sinful beings have the ability to keep act so altruistically towards others? (5)

What is the purpose for being unified? (verse 6)

To what degree are we to accept one another? (7) Then how did Christ accept us? (7)

What does it mean to accept one another? What if others sin against us?

Explain verse 8.

What is the point of verses 9-12?<