These small group studies of Romans contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.
Romans 2:1-16 Inductive Bible Study
1. None of you have an excuse. Because when you judge others you also condemn yourself since you practice the same things.
2. It is sure that God’s righteous judgment is on those who practice such things. James 3:1, Luke 6:37
3. Do you men think that if you pass judgment on others who practice such things, but do the same things yourselves, that you can escape God’s judgment? Proverbs 24:16,
4. Or do you not take seriously His kindness, tolerance, and patience, and do not know that His kindness leads you to repentance? 2 Peter 3:9
5. But since your hearts are stubborn and unrepentant you are storing up wrath for yourself, when God’s final judgment comes.
6. He will repay each person according to their deeds. Revelation 20:11-15, 2 Cor 5:10
7. He will give eternal life to those who by perseverance in doing good desire glory, honor, and immortality. (Perseverance and endurance is a key word used to describe believers. They run the marathon and continue to mature until death or the coming of Christ).
8. But He will deal out wrath and indignation to the selfishly ambitious people who disobey the truth and instead follow after unrighteousness.
9. Suffering and punishment will be experienced by every person who does evil, first to the Jew and also to the Greek, Matthew 13:50 (stark reality, described as furnace of fire, outer darkness, excruciating thirst, worm doesn’t die, separation)
10. but glory, honor, and peace to those who do good, first to the Jew and also to Greek.
11. God has no partiality. James 2:1-9 (no need to read)
12. Those who sinned without knowing the Law also perish without knowing the Law, and those who sinned while under the Law will be judged by it,
13. For hearing the Law does not make one just in God’s sight. Only doing it will. (Can you think of other verses about this?)
14. When Gentiles who don’t know the Law do by conscience the things of the Law, these, though they don’t have the Law, act as a Law to themselves, (tree of knowledge of good and evil)
15. Because they show that the Law is written in their hearts, their conscience leading them and their thoughts either accusing or defending them,
16. on the day when God fulfills my gospel by judging the secrets of men through Christ.
I. Judgment (1-16)
A. Judgment on hypocrites (1-4)
B. Judgment based on deeds (5-11)
C. Judgment is worldwide (12-16)
Discussion Questions
If last chapter, Paul expounded on the point of “sin” in the gospel, what is he expounding on here?
Why is it useful to learn of God’s judgment? How about in our gospel sharing?
In the last chapter, we saw that Creation keeps people from having an excuse to avoid God’s judgment. How about this chapter?
What does it mean to pass judgment? Does everyone pass judgments? What are some examples?
Does anyone keep all of their own standards? How can you tell what a person’s standards really are (often they offer excuses)?
What is the right word to describe someone who tells others what to do and then doesn’t do it himself? Do you think we fall into this category? Can you escape the judgment of God if you do these things?
Why would someone not take the way of escape God has provided?
We can either store up wrath or (reward)?
What does the “day of wrath” refer to?
What is the judgment based on (our deeds)? Who will face it?
Do verses 7-10 teach a works-based salvation? If not, what is taught in those verses (judgment is based on deeds)?
Why the phrase of the “Jew first…” in verse 9 (Because Jews were given more knowledge, they will be held to a higher standard and judged more harshly than Greeks without the law)?
How does verse 11 shed more light on God’s judgment? Do human judges show partiality? Is this just?
Explain the phrase “all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law.” If they didn’t have the Law, how can they be held responsible for their actions? Will they be held to the same standard of those who have received the Law?
Can a person justify themself by doing the Law (If they do all of it, yes. But no one can do all of it.)? What principle is taught in verse 13?
Do people sometimes follow the Law, or at least know what they should do, instinctively?
Do you think they can keep the basic “rights and wrongs”?
Where does our conscience come from?
Does your conscience ever accuse you?
What does he mean “my gospel”?
What applications can we get from this passage?
Verse by Verse Commentary
Intro – This passage focuses on God’s judgment. Why is it important to understand God’s judgment? Firstly, it let’s us know that if we put our hope in ourselves, we have no nope. The only way of salvation is through God’s grace. Secondly, it reminds us that what we do is important and God is always watching. Jesus paid a great price so that we could be forgiven. Thirdly, it reminds us that when we share the gospel, we need to be clear about God’s judgment and make sure people understand that they won’t have an excuse.
1. We are hypocrites. Most people think they are pretty good. They say they don’t murder, commit crime, or hurt others. If you show them God’s standard, most would agree that they violate it. But they may think that God’s standard is too high. In any case, everyone, at one time or another violates even the low standards we set. How can we uncover a person’s values of right and wrong? You can see what a person believes is right by the standards they set for others. The passage calls it passing judgment. While a person may justify their own lying, cheating, bribery, etc, you can see their true values by what they demand of others. If a girl tells her boyfriend he shouldn’t lie to her this is passing judgment and then she cannot lie without violating her own standard. Someone tells their co-worker not to be late and then they are late; guilty. Someone tells their friend they should pay taxes and doesn’t do it himself; guilty. Taxi/bus example. We all violate the standards we set for others about what is right and wrong. We all violate not only God’s moral law, but also our own. This means we have no excuse. We are all sinners even if we go by our own definitions.
Although the main point of the passage is teaching us that we are guilty and deserve judgment, we can also get a couple of practical points from it. Firstly, always evaluate our own conduct. Don’t be in a hurry to tell others what they should. Remember to remove the forest in your own eye before the speck of dust in your brother’s eye. Pay more attention to your own actions than the actions of others. And be merciful towards the people that mistreat you, cut in line, and are rude to you because we have probably done the same thing.
When we share the gospel we can also share this point to make sure people understand that they are in fact sinners and will face judgment. Especially focus on this if they think they are not a sinner or a relatively good person.
2. These hypocrites will be judged by God – There is no escaping the judgment of God. Every thing we do is observed by Him. We can’t hide from God anymore than Jonah could flee from God’s presence. If a person says to themselves that God is not watching or doesn’t exist or doesn’t care, it doesn’t change the fact that God is watching, does exist, and does care. We are responsible and it is a certainty that we will face His judgment, Heb 9:27.
3. Our only hope is to accept the kindness He offers and repent, but most reject. – Even in the middle of his “thesis” on judgment, Paul mentions the kindness of God. Their is a way out, a way of salvation. In His great kindness God will listen to those who truly repent. He is patient and tolerant. He doesn’t just wipe out all sinners the moment they first sin. Why? Because He is longsuffering. He wants to give sinners more opportunities to repent. Unfortunately, even though God is full of mercy and grace and patience, most despise it (look down on it). They test God’s patience to the max seeing just how far they can go. They refuse to repent and turn to Him, instead indulging themselves because they hate the Light. They don’t value God’s patience as they should, much like a pig doesn’t value the pearls thrown to it. Most are like the prodigal son, who took for granted the father, and took advantage of the father, but unlike the prodigal son, they never return.
4. Continued sin stores up wrath for ourselves in much the same way that continued devoting ourselves to God builds up treasures for ourselves in heaven. – The result of this unrepentance is a storing up of wrath for themselves. In a sense, everybody has a bank account for their “afterlife”. They can never open it during their life, but they do make deposits to this account everyday. You can either devote yourself to God and by following Him deposit treasures into this bank account or you can reject God and deposit wrath for yourself. Deposit punishment. Obviously the application is for us to pay attention to our deeds and make sure we are making the right kind of deposits.
5. Judgment is based on our deeds. God’s judgment is fair. He doesn’t make up false accusations against us like the Jews did who wanted to condemn Jesus. He doesn’t execute without cause like the Jews did against Steven. He does everything “by the book.” Even in relatively just courts of law the prosecutors may exaggerate the crimes committed. But God never exaggerates. He will simply open the book of records, which records everything we have done and said and thought. Which one of you will be proud of the pages written inside? Maybe some, but I’m sure their are many very shameful things in every single one of our records. These are wicked and condemning. None of us will be able to stand. All of us will have to plea guilty. Thankfully God erases the record through Christ’s