These small group studies of Matthew contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, verse by verse commentary, and applications.  Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group.

Matthew 22:1-13 Inductive Bible Study – Discussion Questions and Verse by Verse Commentary

Matthew 22:1-13 – Parable of the Wedding Feast

Discussion Questions

What is a parable?
Why did Jesus often speak in parables?
Who is the king in this parable? The son?
What does the wedding feast represent?
How is this similar to the kingdom of heaven?
Who are the servants?
Who were the servants inviting?
How did they respond? Why do you think they rejected the invitation?
What did the king do when they declined His invitation (invited them again)?
What does this teach us about the king?
How did they respond the second time? What does this teach us about the people?
What do you learn about the king from His reaction after they continued to reject His invitation?
What does the person in verse 11 without wedding garments represent?
Why was the king so harsh to this person?What does this parable teach us about salvation?
What does this parable teach us about God? About people?
About heaven? About hell? About justice? About mercy?
What does this parable teach us about what our job is in the kingdom of heaven?
If you were in this parable, which person would you be? What is our role?


Luke 8:10 – The disciples were granted the ability to understand Jesus’ parables while many others were not.
Revelation 19:6-9 – Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Luke 14:16-24 – Parable as recounted by Luke.
John 3:29-30 – Jesus is described as the bridegroom.
2 Corinthians 11:2 – We are betrothed to Christ.
Romans 10:21 – To Israel I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people.
John 5:40 – You refuse to come that you may have life.
Luke 13:34 – Jerusalem kills the prophets.
Matthew 24:38-39 – Before the flood they were eating and drinking and suddenly were swept away.
Revelation 22:17 – The invitation to drink is extended.
Revelation 7:9 – A great multitude is gathered before the throne (we can both be in this group and invite others to join it!)
Revelation 3:18, Revelation 19:8 – Only the garments from the Lord are acceptable.

Verse by Verse Commentary

1. Jesus often spoke to people in parables. The reason was two-fold. It was both to make His meaning clearer and to make His meaning more obscure. For those who were spiritually enlightened and whose eyes were opened they could easily understand the imagery and symbols Jesus used. People in this group would be able to quickly understand Jesus’ illustrations and better remember them because they were linked to situations in their own daily life or culture which they clearly understood. But a second group of people had no desire to learn from Jesus’ parables. For some of them Jesus was merely a curiosity to watch while killing the time. Others actively wanted to kill Jesus. Since they had no desire to learn the Spirit did not help them to understand the meaning. Therefore they would not actively seek to understand the symbolism. Their ears heard the sounds of Jesus words, but their minds did not meditate on them and therefore it profited them nothing. Application: When we study the Word we must actively use our minds to meditate on the meaning. And we must actively pray that God will help us to understand what we are reading and better apply it to our lives. We do not want to only passively listen, but not truly catch the amazing truth inside.

2. The various symbols represent spiritual realities – The king is God. His servants are the prophets or disciples or anyone sent out by Him with His message of salvation. Those who were invited, but rejected the message are the Jews. He graciously invites them again. This is not necessarily limited to two times. In the parable of the tenants we see the landowner send many groups of servants to the vineyard. Many prophets came and the invitation of salvation was extended many times. However, even after many times the Jewish people still rejected the gospel. Jesus is the King’s Son, and they want no part of Him or His feast. Trivialities of life, which may seem urgent, were used as excuses for for not accepting the invitation. So the king punishes those people who rejected the message and invites others. These are invited from anywhere and everywhere, every economic status and every walk of life. Once at the wedding feast they are clothed with Christ’s righteousness. However, one person tries to make it on his own with his own “clothes” and is rejected.

The King is merciful and patient, but also just.

We can both be at this wedding feast and invite others to join it.

The most important thing we have to look forward to is a relationship with Christ and being with Him forever.

Salvation is available for all. But it comes with conditions (do it God’s way, not our own.)

Wedding feast / A celebration – How is this wedding feast different than weddings in your country?

5 Similarities between our relationship with Christ and marriage:

  • Closest relationship of our life.
  • The one we depend on.
  • Closest friend
  • Agape love
  • A head/leader and a follower
  • A great source of joy
  • Unbreakable bond